Thursday, September 18, 2014


This is a cat.
His name is Brixey.
He'll have the fish.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Canvas Stickers

Here are a couple of acrylic paintings I did on 4" x 4" canvas stickers. I still have these two, but most of the other stickers I made were stuck around town. The brown titi monkey here was stuck in a phone booth for a couple months, but I went and took it back after I saw it had been ripped. If you look closely at that one you can see an angelic Jesus type character and a little R2D2 hidden in the picture. Needless to say I had fun with these.

Br' er Rabbid

Here's a lovely pen and ink drawing/painting of a terrifying nightmare rabbit. I love using ink, sometimes more than watercolor. The colors tend to really stand out, adds a lot of depth. The brand of ink I use is Higgins, and they haven't let me down yet.

Fire Water Pissing Contest

 Acrylic on panel board
12" x 12"

Monday, September 1, 2014

Butterfly Boy

 This is the fourth commission I've done for Maria. It's acrylic on canvas, 11"x 14", and painted from a picture she took in Mexico where she used to live. The boy surrounded by the yellow butterflies is one of her four (soon to be five) sons.

I like how this one turned out a lot. I was trying out kind of an impasto style painting, putting down a thick layer of gesso with a palette knife to begin with, and then adding lots of heavy body acrylics atop that, resulting in nice thick textures and depth.